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Health Regulations GVA COVID19

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We hereby make you aware of the Guide for action in tourist accommodation in the Valencian Community when detecting clients with symptoms compatible with COVID-19, case confirmation and action regarding their contacts.

BACKGROUND In tourist accommodation, especially those with collective catering services, the presence of COVID-19 cases among their clients carries a risk of transmission that should be duly managed through procedures agreed with the health and/or tourism authorities. Until now, in the Valencian Community there was a specific protocol for action in the event of COVID-19 cases in tourist accommodation, approved by the health authorities on May 25, 2021. The Public Health Commission of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System has approved on March 22, 2022 the update of the Surveillance and Control Strategy against COVID-19 after the acute phase of the pandemic. Among the various changes introduced, the end of the obligation to carry out home isolation for people diagnosed with COVID-19 (or with compatible symptoms) and close contacts living with confirmed cases stands out. Failing that, the current strategy establishes that these people must: · Take extreme precautions and reduce social interactions as much as possible by constantly using the mask and maintaining adequate hand hygiene for 10 days after the onset of symptoms. · Especially avoid contact with vulnerable people (over 60 years of age, immunocompromised and pregnant) and participation in mass events. · Whenever possible and if you are not susceptible to temporary disability due to your symptoms, teleworking is recommended. With the entry into force of this new strategy, the aforementioned specific protocol for tourist accommodation is completely outdated, and therefore it is urgent to have a guide or recommendations for action in cases of clients with COVID symptoms in tourist accommodation. MANAGEMENT OF COVID-19 COMPATIBLE CASES AMONG CUSTOMERS IN TOURIST ACCOMMODATION

  • Information to guests The client will be informed at all times of the procedure to follow in case of presenting symptoms compatible with the disease. It is convenient that this information is documented, and in the appropriate languages ​​for the type of guest at the establishment. The methodology used to transmit the information will be the decision of each establishment (signage in reception and common areas, informative note delivered at check-in or displayed in the rooms…). The document can be complemented with the list of preventive regulations implemented in the establishment to prevent contagion, particularly the obligation to use masks in common areas except in outdoor spaces if the safety distance is maintained or except in hospitality spaces when you are consuming.

  • Actions in front of clients with symptoms compatible with COVID, confirmed cases with mild symptoms and close cohabiting contacts.

    • In the first place, it is pointed out that it is not the function or responsibility of the establishment to judge symptoms or presuppose disease. Action will only be taken based on the information that the client transmit.

      • In the event that a client requests information on how to act in these cases, they will be will provide the following information by appropriate means:

        • Conduct to follow:
          1. Minimize social contacts, make constant use of a mask, frequent hand washing during the 10 days following the appearance of symptoms, avoid contact with vulnerable people (over 60 years of age, immunosuppressed and pregnant), and avoid participation in mass events.
          2. In the case of people considered vulnerable with compatible symptoms, go to a medical center to carry out diagnostic tests.
          3. In case of presenting criteria of severity or poor evolution (dyspnea, fever >38ºC maintained for more than three days…) contact your doctor or the health system, observing in any case all personal measures to control transmission and using, if It is possible, a private means of transport in the event of displacement.
  • Obligations of tourist accommodation before COVID-positive clients Given that it is a communicable disease, and that an affected customer with mild symptoms must restrict social interactions for 10 days (which includes both travel by means of transport and access to catering establishments), the establishment itself will facilitate:

    • The extension of stays if necessary, particularly if the return of the client to his habitual residence is done by collective transport.

    • La separación a otras unidades alojativas de convivientes sin sintomatología, siempre que la ocupación del establecimiento lo permita y el cliente así lo solicite.
    • Any formula that allows isolation in the housing units (service rooms…) or the use of collective dining rooms in conditions of maximum security.

    • The room services will be those that correspond to each establishment according to their category, being able to agree by mutual agreement modifications of the services in order to prevent infection. The extension of these services does not imply that they are free, and it will be the decision of the establishment pricing policy of each case, always within the framework of consumer protection and users.

  • Room service in accommodation units with guests affected by COVID In order to facilitate compliance with the conduct recommendations to be taken by the affected persons, the following measures may be implemented:

    • As far as possible, it will provide telephone access, internet and TV in the room.
    • It will have natural ventilation to the outside. If there are rooms with a terrace or balcony, it is recommended to assign one of them.
    • You will have hand soap, hand drying paper, hydroalcoholic gel, as well as a bin with a lid and pedal, garbage bags, and plastic cups.
    • If so agreed with the client, they will be provided with the means to be able to collaborate in daily cleaning tasks
    • Cleaning services
      • The employed personnel who access the affected accommodation units, either for tasks cleaning or for maintenance tasks, must be provided with the individual protection equipment determined by the Occupational Risk Prevention Service of the establishment, and in any case must be protected with single-use gloves and face mask.

      • The cleaning of the room by the operator will be done as often as necessary previously agreed according to the type and tourist category of the establishment.

    • Food and beverage service In case of offering room service:

      • The food, deposited on a tray on a cart, is left outside the accommodation and the client is notified to enter it (the cart must not enter). When finished, the tray should be left outside the room.
      • Dirty dishes and trays will be handled in accordance with the usual hygiene and food safety policy. Crockery and tray will be washed in the dishwasher. Tourist accommodations that do not have a food and beverage service will allow food delivery service or online shopping service from supermarkets, agreeing with the client on an appropriate waste management procedure.

Valencia on the date of electronic signature.

The Autonomous Secretary of Public Health and the Public Health System

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